target audience

Leadly: Perfect for
These Professionals

For Lead Gen &
SDR Specialists
Get verified LinkedIn emails fast and fill your pipeline with ease.
For Sales &
BizDev Managers
Target the right prospects with accurate data and boost your conversions.
For CEOs & Startup Founders
Equip your team with reliable leads and drive your business growth.


I'm very happy with Leadly's email finder! It has made finding and verifying email addresses incredibly easy and efficient. The accuracy is impressive, and it's saved me a lot of time in my outreach efforts. Highly recommend!
Olena B.
Lead Gen specialist at GigRadar
Great tool!
After 4 weeks of free using, I am ready to buy it now. Intuitive and affordable for me to pay for. It's definitely what I need.
Tetiana K.
Chief Growth Manager at
As an early adopter of Leadly, I've been really impressed with how the AI assistant helps me create spot-on customer profiles. It’s super easy to use and makes targeting the right audience a breeze. Pair that with the email finder, and my outreach has never been more effective. Definitely recommend it to anyone looking to up their sales game!
Eric N.
Outreach Lead Gen specialist at FlyGen
Leadly is a great tool. Only one thing to improve is to provide more analytics. But it's an additional feature. The main functionality related to finding emails and ICP creating works pretty good!
Will W.
CBDO at UShape

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